jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Jurassic park

Soy una adicta a Pinterest, es terrible, me pasaría horas compartiendo e intentándolo todo, si es que hay gente que tiene ideas maravillosas, ¡y en todos los campos! Aunque mi tema favorito es el reciclaje, en todos los sentidos. Y hoy les toca a los dinosaurios... sí, ya sé que se extinguieron, me refiero a esos juguetes que tanto se pusieron de moda hace unos años, sobre todo con el estreno de Jurassic Park.

1. Tiradores en La factoría plástica 2. Botes divertidos en House to Home
3. Tiestos jurásicos Little bit funky 4. Mi favorito, para comer maíz, en Paging Fun Mums
Pues bien, algunos de esos juguetes también se quedan en el jurásico y ya nadie juega con ellos en casa, así que estas ideas que he ido encontrando me parecen verdaderas genialidades y una buena segunda vida para estos juguetes.

 Una idea que me va genial para mi baño, es divertidísima. Y aquí hay alguna más.

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Oh! Qué fotos tan graciosas! Me encantan los dinosaurios, jeje. Besos!!

  2. "Jurassic Park" is a title that instantly transports me back to a world of thrilling adventure, awe-inspiring dinosaurs, and cinematic magic. This iconic film, based on Michael Crichton's novel, has left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment.

    Released in 1993, "Jurassic Park" was a groundbreaking cinematic achievement, bringing dinosaurs to life in a way that had never been seen before. The combination of cutting-edge visual effects, a gripping storyline, and John Williams' unforgettable score made it an instant classic. Why Is USIC at My House? - HomeProfy

    What's remarkable about "Jurassic Park" is its ability to captivate audiences of all ages. It blends science fiction with the timeless appeal of dinosaurs, sparking the imaginations of both children and adults. The film's underlying themes of the consequences of playing with nature's balance and the ethical questions it raises continue to resonate with viewers.

    The title "Jurassic Park" is a gateway to a world of wonder and excitement, and it's incredible how it has spawned an entire franchise with sequels, spin-offs, and even theme park attractions. It's a testament to the enduring fascination with prehistoric creatures and the enduring legacy of this cinematic masterpiece.

    Whether you're a fan of the original film or one of its many adaptations, "Jurassic Park" remains a touchstone of cinematic excellence. It's a title that brings back cherished memories and promises thrilling adventures every time you hear it.



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